The promulgation of Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948 envisaged an integrated need based social insurance scheme that would protect the interest of workers in contingencies such as sickness, maternity, temporary or permanent physical disablement and death due to employment injury resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity. The Act also guarantees reasonably good medical care to workers and their immediate dependants.

Following the promulgation of the ESI Act, the Central Govt. set up the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) to   administer   the   Scheme. Under the Act, ESIC provides comprehensive health care to all Insured persons and their families as one of the insurance related benefit. To administer this comprehensive medical care there is huge infrastructure comprising of 144 hospitals including arrangements with other Institutions for provision of super specialty care. There was a felt need to upgrade the medical facilities in ESI medical institutions all over the country so as to improve the  service, provide best medical care and to have in house super specialty services. With this objective of improving the quality of care provision, need was felt to constantly improve the medical competencies of its human resource. As a first step in realization of this vision, ESIC decided to set up ESI Post Graduate Institutes for Medical Sciences & Research (ESI-PGIMSR) at their hospitals at KK NAGAR, Chennai / Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore / Andheri (E) Mumbai/MGM-Parel Mumbai / Basaidarapur in the initial phaseThis initiative marks the beginning of its venture into the field of medical education with the setting up of Medical Colleges, Dental colleges and Nursing schools all over India, to follow.


New Messages & Events

Home based Elderly Care Support Assistant (3 months course)

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Academic session in EMD - Peritonitis

Academic sesssion in EMD

On the Eve of WORLD DIABETES DAY,DEPT OF GENERAL MEDICINE,GMC & ESI HOSPITAL COIMBATORE conducted an academic/scientific session which was of immense help in providing quality knowledge and latest updates in management of DIABETES....

Dept of General Medicine and Allied Specialities‘ Academic Activities in the form of Journal Club,Physician’s meet,Symposiums,Medicine Update for the month of September in continuation with the inauguration on August, are herewith displayed..

26.07.2021 , 27.07.2021 ஆகிய நாட்களில் நடைபெற்ற நேர்முகத் தேர்வில் நியமிக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் பெயர் பட்டியல் விவரம்

Final List temporary post

COVID -19 Activities at GMC & ESI , CBE

5th Batch renewal

Govt Medical College & ESIC Hospital, Cbe has been approved by Medical Council of India for admission of 5th batch of 100 MBBS students for the academic year 2020 – 2021Clickrenewal of permission 5th batch MBBS admission for 2020-2021 ..

Honourable Minister for Municipal Administratio n, Rural Development and Implementation of special programme inagurated new 16 slice CT scan machine exclusively for covid positive patients at Govt Medical College and ESIC, Coimbatore

Honourable Minister for Municipal Administratio n, Rural Development and Implementation of special programme inagurated new 16 slice CT scan machine

World Trauma Day Awareness programme 17 th October 2021 was conducted by EMD GMC ESIH Cbe under the guidance of our beloved Dean Prof.Dr.M.Raveendran for the Health care providers-Drs, Staffs, Crris and Public. Our respected Medical Superintendent Prof.Dr.T.Ravikumar inaugurated the programme and addressed the gathering about the day’s importance. Our Deputy Medical Superintendent Prof.Dr.N.Tamilselvan given special talk about Trauma care and Fire safety measures. Programme was organized by Dr.A.Akila Associate Professor EMD and Dr.Nilavi Chief Civil Surgeon . Emergency Trauma care Demonstrated by EMOs and CRRIs. World trauma day Oath taken by all Health care providers and Public.

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Department of paediatrics Academic Activities in the form of Journal Club,case presentation,Symposiums,clinical Update and guest lectures for the month of October in continuation with the inauguration on September, are herewith displayed..

BMW Annual Return form 2021-2022

Form IV (See Rule 13)

[To be submitted to the prescribed authority on or before 30th June every year for the period from January to December of the preceding year, by the occupier health care facility(HCF), or common bio-medical waste treatment facility (CBWTF)]

Return No : 61011931 Period : 2021-2022

1. Particulars of the Occupier
(i) Name of the authorized person (Occupier or operator of facility): DR M Raveendran
(iii) Address for Correspondence: SF No. 93/2, 96/1A, 96/1B,96/1C, 96/2A, 96/2B,98/1,99,100,101,102/2,103,104,105/2, Upplipalayam
Village, Coimbatore South Taluk, Coimbatore District.
(iv) Address of Facility: SF No. 93/2, 96/1A, 96/1B,96/1C, 96/2A, 96/2B,98/1,99,100,101,102/2,103,104,105/2, Upplipalayam
Village, Coimbatore South Taluk, Coimbatore District.
(v) Tel. No.: 9842251132
(vi) Fax. No.: –
(vii) E-mail ID: deangmcesiccbe@gmail.com

(viii) URL of Website: https://www.gmcesi.co.in

(ix) GPS coordinates of HCF of CBMWTF: YES
(x) Ownership of HCF or CBMWTF: State Goverment
(xi) Status of Authorization under the BMW (Managementand Handing) Rules: Authorization No.: Under process Valid Upto: 31/03/2021
(xii) Status of Consents under Water Act and Air Act.: Valid Upto: 31/03/2021
2. Type of Health Care Facility
(i) No. of Beds(for Bedded Hospital): 506.0
(ii) Non-Bedded Hospital
(Clinic or Blood Bank or Clinical Laboratory or Research Institute or Veterinary Hospital or any other):
(iii) Licence Number: 202000009093
(iv) Licence date of expiry: 31/03/2021
3. Quantity of waste generated or disposed in Kg per annum (on monthly average basis) Yellow Category: 43716.4
Red Category: 5802.71
White Category: 540.85
Blue Category: 3722.72 General Solid Waste: 1000000
4. Details of the Storage, Treatment, Transportation, Processing and Disposal Facility Details
(i) Details of the on-site storage facility: Size: 50
Capacity: 500
Provision of on-site storage: Stored in-house in packed condition before despatch to CTF

(ii) Disposal Facility:
(iii) Quantity of recyclable wastes sold to authorized recyclers after treatment in kg per annum: 0.0
(iv) No of vehicles used for collection and transportation of BMW: 1
(v) Details of incineration, ash and ETP sludge generated, disposal during the treatment of wastes in Kg per annum
(vi) Name of the Common BMW Treatment Facility Operator through which wastes are disposed of: M/s. Teknoterm industries pvt ltd
5. Do you have BMW management committee: no
6. Training Conducted on BMW Details
(i) Number of training conducted on BMW Management: 6
(ii) Number of personnel trained: 400
(iii) Number of personnel trained at the time of induction: 0
(iv) Number of personnel not undergone any training so far: 0
(v) Whether standard manual for training is available: yes
(vi) Any other information:
7. Details of the accident occurred
(i) No. of accident occurred: 0
(ii) Number of the persons affected: 0
(iii) Remedial Action taken: 0
(iv) Any Fatality occurred, details: 0
8. Are you meeting the standards of air Pollution from the incinerator?. How many times in last year could not met the standards?: NA
Details of Continuous online emission monitoring systems installed: NA
9. Liquid waste generated and treatment methods in place. How many times you have not met the standards in a year: 0
10. Is the disinfection method or sterilization meeting the log for standards? How many times you have not met the standards in a year?: 0
11. Any other relevant information: 0

Name and Signature of the Head of the Institution
Date :13/07/2024 Place : Coimbatore

M.B.B.S 2024-2025 batch classes starts from October 14th

M.B.B.S 2024-2025 batch classes starts from October 14h

voluntary blood donation camp at NCC group Headquarters, Singanallur organized by 6(TN) Med Coy NCC, CBE

CME on Emerging and re-emerging diseases By Dept.of community medicine

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Diabetic keto acidosis By Department of Paediatrics

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1 Chair Person Dr. S.Mohammed Mustafa, M.D., Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, PSGIMSR, Coimbatore.
2 Member Secretary Dr. R.D.Puvitha M.D., Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
3 Clinical Expert Dr. V.Umasankar M.D., Associate Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
4 Clinical Expert Dr. V.Uvaraj Muruganandam, M.D., Associate Professor & HOD, Dept of Medicine, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
5 Basic Medical Expert Dr. R.Arun Vijay Paul, MD., Associate Professor & HOD, Dept of Community Medicine, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
6 Basic Medical Expert Dr. P.Murugeesan, M.D., Associate Professor & HOD, Dept of Physiology, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
7 Joint Member Secretary Dr. D.Jeyalakshmi, MD., Associate Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, Government Medical College & ESI Hospital Coimbatore.
8 Social Scientist Dr. C.Namasivayam,M.Sc., Phd., Former Dean of Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore
9 Legal Expert Mr. P.Sakthivel, B.Sc, M.L., Advocate, Coimbatore
10 Lay Person Dr. Sudhakar, MA, Phd., HR, Roots India Limited, Coimbatore.


Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it, Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, passed the judgement wherein guidelines were issued for setting up of a Central Crisis Hotline and Anti-Ragging database.

College has formed a committee to prevent ragging among students and registering a complaint against them.

Anti Ragging Committee Members


National Anti Ragging Help Line

(UGC Crisis Hotline)

24×7 Toll Free Number




College has formed a committee to prevent gender harassment among students and registering a complaint against them.

Gender Harrashment Committee – 2021

Multi Specialty Hospital & Medical College